The war in Ukraine has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been circumspect about my views, opening up to only a few close friends and of course, my sons. I am too sentimentally attached to the Republic of Georgia to ever be blatantly “pro-Russian.” But, on the other hand, I am also well-read enough in the history of the region, with the shape-shifting boundaries of the respective countries, to be entirely dismissive of Russia’s claims and concerns. Finally, I hate war and conflict. And I am ashamed of my country’s profiteering complicity in the instigation and perpetuation of the same. My abiding interest is always in how to prevent wars before they start; but once they have erupted, how to bring them to a close and end the killing and destruction. Everything I write below is in that context.
Jack Matlock's title is Autopsy on an Empire, not Anatomy. I could make a difference for anyone (like me) wanting to get a copy.
Thanks for the autocheck!
Not much new here, but you organized it very persuasively.
Nothing new at all--I just needed to synthesize my thoughts on this.
Ever read any Robert A Pape?
I may have--the name is vaguely familar. I see he is at the U of Chicago--same as Mearsheimer. I will have to do some research on him.